So I've put in about 3600 hands since my coaching session with knox828, and I'm up about 4 BI at 50NLHU. Winning around 11bb/100. It's been a kind of swingy last 2k hands, as I made a few bad calls because I zonked back into auto-pilot mode yesterday. They were such obvious folds but when people shove on me, I have the tendency to snap call without really thinking about what they are representing and how obvious the folds should be. I ended up stacking off with TPGK on a dry low board, which given the villain, was definitely not the correct decision. But oh well. So I've been trying to focus more on every decision, and thinking through every hand as I play. Currently still just focusing on one table (yesterday I tried two...bad idea I guess). Also, game selection. There are definitely fish out there who I play for about 300 hands and break even to or marginally win/lose against that are totally not even worth playing. Then there are the fish that basically just hand you 2 BI+ on a silver platter. I need to find more of those guys :) So I'm a marginal winner currently but hopefully as I put in more hands I will start to crush, optimistic, I know... We'll see where I am after 50,000 hands at 50NLHU. My bankroll is about 2750-2800 right now, and I'm thinking of taking a shot at $100NL HU if I get to around 3.5k, taking a 3-5 buyin shot. Of course, this is easier said than done. My bankroll has never been over 3000$. (OK well i got to $3001 once and then proceeded to lose 600 to a downswing/tilt/spew LOL).
So I'm going to try to refocus this weekend and get a LOT of hands in. I know 3600 hands over the past 5 days is a small sample, but I've been busy with exams and school this week. I'm actually headed out pretty soon to go to an all you can eat and drink Japanese restaurant which is near my campus here in Beijing. Oh, did I mention I've been studying abroad in Beijing? I'm trying to learn Chinese...I can speak it already pretty fluently, but when it comes to reading it - I'm completely lost. Anyways, tonight should be fun - sake bombs and going out to some bar/clubs afterwards downtown. I'll try not to get too smashed this weekend. About two weekends ago I had 10 sake bombs and I was so trashed I didn't even make it to the bars after the dinner. It's also important to note that I don't really find asian girls attractive, so when it comes to finding a hot chick here, it's tough for me, I like the blondes. Of course, if you are into asian women, just come to China. You'll have 500million beckoning at you, your money and your US Citizenship. LOL.
If you're grinding this weekend, GL at the tables. I'll try to post some cool graphs, stats, and pictures next time I update.
Samsung DC92-00619A Assy Pcb Sub
3 years ago
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